Wednesday, February 2, 2022

1 hp Meat Grinder - Cabelas - Switch Failure

Model 08-2201, 750 watts, 120 vac power, capacitor 60 microfarad - 250vac

The issue was that the FWD - Off - REV switch disintegrated leaving questions on how to wire. Per the parts list the switch had a part number of 08-3039. The capacitor part number is 08-2240. The motor is likely made by Weston. 

I was surprised at how poor the documentation was on how to rewire this replacement switch and motor. The grinder was dropped off by a friend who had ordered the proper new switch but was confused on how to rewire. 

I took the jumpers off the new ZH-HC-3 (08-3039) rotary switch and measured and recorded the continuity in the switch in the different positions. I then measured the resistance of motors two coils. 

I jumpered power right to the motor to get it to run clockwise and counterclockwise. I also measured the amperage to both windings while running without a load. It appears both coils remain energized at all times and the capacitor causes a phase lag or lead depending on which direction the leads are hooked up. 

Checking the switch operation and aligning the coils with the switch I was able to determine the proper wiring. 

Following is a schematic showing the results. All seems to work as designed.  

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