Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Replacing Hot Tub

We installed a used hot tub in 2003 and used it until 2009. The tub had previously been repainted on the inside and lacked cosmetic beauty. I found a nice looking free tub and while installing, I found it leak under the seats, an area hard to get to for repairs. By this time I had damaged the original tub while borrowing a jet for the pretty tub. I took both tubs to the dump and began looking for a replacement. Recently I did find another nice looking tub with a good cover.
After plumbing and filling with water this one leaks at the air inlet port which again is under the bench seat and the only way to get to the fitting is by cutting a hole under the seat.

Close up. Notice the drip. Looks like the leak is in the seam of the PCV pipe and fitting.

Further I have no idea what this through port looks like. Maybe I can fix this leak externally since there is little water pressure at this point.

Well, a couple weeks have gone by and I have been thinking. I tried several ways to stop the one leak and may have slowed the leak down some. The other leak seems to be slowing down a bunch also.

Then the filter case lid started leaking significantly especially with an increase in water pressure with the circulation pump running. I found the case lid to have a crack likely due to age and fittings too tight. So I removed the filter and now the leaks are sort of under control. They are just an occasional drip and maybe will not cause a problem. So I turned on the heat and we have been enjoying the hot tub for 3 nights. I have not added chemicals yet as I plan to use this water for 2 weeks at most then I plan to drain and fill with fresh water and at that time will add the chemicals. Looks like we are having success.


  1. Were you able to pinpoint the source of the problem? To be able to detect leaks, why don’t you try using dye or dark food coloring? This is very helpful, especially when the leak is very substantial. Let the water flow and observe the dye leakage. Use a flashlight if necessary. You can also let the water drop and see where it stops. If for example, the water level stops at a jet, the jet is most likely the cause of the leak.

    Darryl Iorio

    1. Darryl's right, you must be able to detect the main source of the problem. What happens usually is the leaks occur again after it is fixed because the main leak was not found. The tub still looks fine. I think you can still use it for a couple of years or so.

      Carmella Vancil


  2. شركتنا من افضل واقدم الشركات في مجال مكافحه جميع انواع الحشرات المرئيه والغير مرئيه ولديها خبره عاليه في اباده الحشرات بجميع انواعها وتستخدم اقوي المبيدات العاليه والمسرح بها من وزاره الصحه حفاظا منا علي صحه وسلامه الانسان والبيئه المحيطه بها

    شركة مكافحه حشرات بالدمام

    نحن الافضل علي الاطلاق في هذا المجال فلدينا خبره كبيره في رش مبيدات امنه للقضاء علي كافه انواع الحشرات فلدينا مبيدات عاليه الجوده مصنوعه من مواد طبيعيه امنه علي صحه الانسان وعلي البيئه ومتخصصه في كيفيه رش المبيدات في اسرع وقت وباقل التكاليف

    شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام

    شركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام تعتبر من اعرق واعظم شركة تسليك علي الاطلاق لما يجده العميل من معامله طيبه واسعار رخيصه لا تقبل المنافسه لا تجده في اي شركه اخري مع الجوده والاتقان في العمل ولدينا عمال مهره وفنيين ومهندسين على اعلي مستوي من الكفائه والخبره وجوده لا تقارن في اي شركه اخري معنا انت في ايد امينه اتصل بنا تجدنا اي وقت علي مدار اليوم

    شركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام

    اتصل بنا تجدنا في اي وقت لا تنسي فنحن الافضل
