Monday, June 24, 2024

Washer’s center agitator stopped agitating

Our 2004 Kirkland clothes washer’s center agitator stopped agitating water like it should. I researched the web and found this is an easily fixed problem. From Amazon I ordered an “Upgraded 285811 Medium Cam Agitator Repair Kit” which will come the next day. ($9)

Unfortunately, the 7/16 bolt securing the agitator assembly is corroded to the point it could not be removed with a simple socket wrench. The bolt is recessed 6 inches which complicates the bolt’s removal if the socket slips on the corroded bolt head. I used a long drill bit and drilled a hole in the bolt head and used an easy-out to eventually remove the bolt. I also ordered a new bolt off Amazon for $8. (Part number 358237)

I received parts a day after I ordered them. The assembly pictures are poor but I was able to figure the assembly out. Now the upper portion of the agitator bushes the water in just one direction, as designed. 

Corroded bolt in center

Cleaned up agitator, broken parts on right.

New parts coming in repair kit. 

Easy-out with corroced bolt. (Replaced)